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Hiragana Word Meaning Type Chapter
うえ On, above, over Noun-Location 5
うしろ後ろ Behind, in back of Noun-Location 5
した Under, beneath Noun-Location 5
そと Outside Noun-Location 5
ちかく近く Near, in the vacinity of Noun-Location 5
となり Next to Noun-Location 5
なか In, inside Noun-Location 5
ひだり To the left, left side Noun-Location 5
まえ In front of, in the front Noun-Location 5
みぎ To the right Noun-Location 5
よこ Next to, at the side of Noun-Location 5
いす椅子 Chair Noun-Furniture 5
いぬ Dog Noun-Nature 5
Picture Noun-Objects 5
おしいれ押入れ Japanese-style closet, storage space Noun-Furniture 5
がくしょく学食 School cafeteria Noun-Location 5
がくせいかいかん学生会館 Student union Noun-Location 5
かわ River Noun-Nature 5
Tree Noun-Nature 5
くるま Car Noun-Objects 5
こくばん黒板 Chalkboard Noun-Objects 5
こんぴゅーたコンピュータ Computer Noun-Objects 5
しゃしん写真 Photograph Noun-Objects 5
そふぁソファ Sofa Noun-Furniture 5
たいいくかん体育館 Gym Noun-Location 5
たんす箪笥 Chest, drawers Noun-Furniture 5
つくえ Desk Noun-Furniture 5
てーぶるテーブル Table Noun-Furniture 5
でんわ電話 Telephone Noun-Furniture 5
どあドア Door Noun-Furniture 5
といれトイレ Toilet Noun-Furniture 5
とけい時計 Watch, clock Noun-Furniture 5
ところ Place Noun-Location 5
ねこ Cat Noun-Nature 5
ばすバス Bus Noun-Objects 5
びでおビデオ Video Noun-Objects 5
ひと Person Noun-People 5
ふとん布団 Futon Noun-Furniture 5
べっどベッド Bed Noun-Furniture 5
へや部屋 Room Noun-Location 5
ほんだな本棚 Bookshelf Noun-Furniture 5
まど Window Noun-Furniture 5
もの Thing (tangible) Noun-Objects 5
やま Mountain Noun-Nature 5
らぼラボ Lab Noun-Location 5
かかります To take (time); it costs Verb-う 5
この This {+noun} Demonstrative 5
その That {+noun} Demonstrative 5
あの That {+noun} over there Demonstrative 5
どの Which {+noun} Demonstrative 5
あかるい明るい Bright Adjectives-い 5
くらい暗い Dark Adjectives-い 5
せまい狭い Cramped, narrow Adjectives-い 5
はやい速い Fast, quick Adjectives-い 5
ひろい広い Spacious, wide Adjectives-い 5
しずか静か Quiet Adjectives-な 5
から From Particles 5
By means of, by, with Particles 5
まで Until, to Particles 5
~くらい About ~ (duration, quantity) Suffixes 5
~ぐらい About ~ (duration, quantity) Suffixes 5
~じかん ~ hours Suffixes 5
あがってください上がって下さい Please come in Expressions 5
あるいて歩いて On foot Expressions 5
いらっしゃい Welcome! Come in. Expressions 5
おじゃましますお邪魔します Thank you. (Literally: I will intrude on you) Expressions 5
ごめんください御免下さい Excuse me, anyone home? Expressions 5
どのぐらい How long, how much, how many Questions 5
どのくらい How long, how much, how many Questions 5
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